Sluggish Gallbladder Symptoms

Sluggish Gallbladder Symptoms

Gallbladder disorders are usually characterized by problems like indigestion, pain, and abdominal discomfort. However, there are various problems associated with the gallbladder. A sluggish gallbladder is just one of such problems. Now, let us find out more about the causes of the sluggish gallbladder. We will also tell you more about the most common symptoms.

Sluggish Gallbladder – What Are the Causes?

When you eat something (especially foods that contain fats), certain enzymes will be released inside the intestines, in order to break down these foods. Cholecystokinin will also be released. This hormone will induce the contractions of your gallbladder. These movements will induce the release of bile.

In other words, your gallbladder releases the bile into the intestines. Bile is extremely important for normal digestion, so if there are any problems related to the release of bile, your digestion will be disturbed and you will start experiencing certain symptoms.

Gallstones are considered responsible for most of the problems related to the gallbladder. Consuming foods that are high in fats and cholesterol may lead to gallstones development inside the body. Gallstones can be defined as particles composed of bile pigments and cholesterol. Other elements can be present in gallstones, too. Gallstones can cause various problems. These stones can get stuck inside the bile duct and prevent the bile from reaching the intestines. If that happens, the digestion processes will be disturbed and the gallbladder can get inflamed.

What Are the Most Common Symptoms?

The symptoms usually include:

  • Queasy stomach
  • Gas
  • Abdominal pain
  • Vomiting
  • Digestive disorders
  • Belching
  • Bloating
  • Nausea

Normal bile flow is crucial for the digestion process. The bile produced by the liver will be stored in the gallbladder and then, it will be released into your intestines. In case there are any problems with the release of bile, the symptoms we mentioned are likely to occur. These symptoms are commonly seen in people who have problems like sluggish gallbladder, but they can also occur in patients who suffer from some other type of gallbladder disorder. In some cases, people can become too sensitive to fats or they may start having recurring gallbladder attacks. These episodes are usually characterized by intense pain that can last from several minutes to several hours. If that happens, you must contact your doctor as soon as possible.

Sluggish Gallbladder Treatment

The treatment for this condition will depend on the severity of your problem. In some cases, the damage can be quite serious. Your doctor will decide about this after carrying out some diagnostic tests. The methods used for such purposes include ultrasound, cholangiography, CT scan, etc. If you are diagnosed with this condition, your doctor will tell you what foods to eat and what foods to avoid. Diet is incredibly important in preventing and treating this condition. You will have to makes some changes to your lifestyle such as not be allowed to consume certain types of foods and have to eat small meals instead of large ones.

Your doctor can prescribe some natural remedies to use. Some of these herbal remedies are very effective in gallbladder and liver cleansing. Certain remedies can break down small gallstones. However, you must never use any products without your doctor’s knowledge.

In some cases, herbal remedies will not work. If you have a serious problem with gallstones, your doctor may advise you to undergo lithotripsy. This procedure will use ultrasound to break down the stones. In severe cases, gallbladder removal can be the only solution to the problem. However, this procedure will only be used if all other options fail. Gallbladder surgery is a routine procedure. Complications are actually very rare. However, after having this surgery, you will need to make certain moderations to your diet and your lifestyle, too.

If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned here, visit your doctor and see what is wrong. If you start treating this condition in time, you will prevent various complications.

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