What To Do If You Have Gallbladder Attack

What To Do If You Have Gallbladder Attack

There may be people who are experiencing a gallbladder attack right now without even being aware of it. What To Do If You Have Gallbladder Attack, of course, there are others who will have some abdominal pain and wonder what the problem is. A gall bladder attack is a common affliction to people all over the world, including right here in the U.S.
Frightening And Painful

A gallbladder attack can be quite painful and even frightening. When someone experiences an attack they can experience severe pain in the right side of their chest. Since the gall bladder sits just below the rib cage, the area will be very tender. At times this pain can be so strong that it will take your breath away, cause you to sit upright quickly, and even buckle you to your knees. Nausea, dizziness, and frequent belching are all other mild symptoms of a gall bladder attack.

What Causes A Gallbladder Attack?

The actual cause can be explained simply. The main cause of a gallbladder attack is a blockage of the bile duct by a gallstone. However, this does not provide a complete answer to what causes such an attack. The gallstone is formed by reasons pertaining to other factors such as genetics and diet. If you are overweight, eat a  lot of greasy foods, and foods that are high in cholesterol then you have a much higher chance of having a gallbladder attack. This does not mean, however, that if you are super healthy and eat all the right foods you are guaranteed not to have a gallbladder attack.

What To Do If You Have An Attack?

Should you ever find yourself suffering from a gallbladder attack you must decide for yourself how serious it is. If the pain starts quickly and then subsides just as quickly, that means you have probably passed the gallstone that was causing the blockage. If so, you will not need to have any further treatment.

If the pain intensifies then you will need to seek out medical help. Most of the time scheduling an appointment with your doctor will be good enough, but if the pain is very bad a trip to the emergency room will be needed.

Treatment Of Gallbladder Attack

Your physician will be able to deliver more details about the treatment for a gall bladder attack, but if you are experiencing prolonged, intensifying pain, you will most likely need to have your gall bladder removed. This is very common today with about 750,000 people in the U.S. each year having this procedure done.

The procedure itself is easy in terms of recovery. The surgeon makes a couple of small incisions on your abdomen and removes the gall bladder laparoscopically. Most of the time the patient can have the surgery in the morning and be home later that same night.

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