Symptoms And Treatment Of Fatty Liver Disease

Symptoms And Treatment Of Fatty Liver Disease

Fatty liver is a very troublesome disease. It has been found that about one-third of the population of America suffers from it. It is also known as steatosis in medical terms. Many people are not even aware of the fact that they are suffering from the disease.

It is later on that they realize that they have become a victim of the disease. Many people blame it on genetics but knowing how to tack the symptoms will help you to treat it easily and become healthy once again.

Symptoms of the disease

If there is mild liver damage, then it will not show in the live tests. However, it has been seen that even mild damage can cause many problems in the lives of individuals. the metabolism and the dug cleaning systems are both dependent on life. Obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes, disruptions in the immune system, frequent cough and cold, allergies, rashes are some of the important symptoms with the help of which you can understand that you are becoming a victim of fatty liver disease.

These are some of the broader symptoms which will be quite easy to detect. But many people have subtle symptoms. This includes coated tongue, dizziness, bad breath, dark circles under the eyes, headaches, tiredness, and bloated feeling. These are also symptoms of liver problems but people usually do not pay much heed to them.

Treatment of fatty liver disease

Treating the disease at the earliest once you know you are already affected by it is very vital. This will ensure that you do not suffer much in the long run. You will be able to get rid of the problem easily if detected earlier.

Remove causes of liver problems

The first step that one can take in this regard is to remove the causes leading to the damage of the liver. This can be in the form of drugs including caffeine, alcohol, or medicines prescribed by the doctor.

Balanced diet

The second step is making adjustments to the diet. Vegetables, fruits must be consumed in higher quantities to accelerate the process of recovery from the disease and also restore good health in the individual. Consuming these foods will help to better the functioning of the liver.

Exercising regularly

Exercising also works wonders for the treatment of this disease. This will enable the liver to start the burning of the fat in your body. This will help the liver to restore itself to its original state.


Detox is another step that an individual can take to get rid of the disease. Doing this once every year will enable you to heal yourself easily and you will be able to help the liver to function properly. A gallbladder liver flush might be able to take away the cause as well, as most liver stones are naturally expelled from the body.

Herbal supplements and natural compounds

Many herbal supplements can also be taken as a cure for the disease. Turmeric, milk, ginger are some of them. Some other powerful herbs which can be considered by individuals are mentioned below. Symptoms And Treatment Of Fatty Liver Disease This will enable one to get rid of the problem naturally and without consuming medicines.

Milk thistle

This is a well-known remedy which is used for the cure of life problems all over the world. One ingredient found in this compound is phytochemical silymarin. Symptoms And Treatment Of Fatty Liver Disease This is a flavonoid that is responsible for the regeneration of the damaged liver cells and also enables one to improve the functions of the liver. Clinical research has shown that silymarin helps in the regeneration of liver cells.

This is even more effective in people whose liver has been damaged due to heavy alcohol consumption. Doctors in Germany, Hungary, Greece, and France have been using different formulations of milk thistle for the bettering of the functions of the liver functions of the people. this is also gaining importance in the United States where there is a large number of people suffering from liver problems.

Omega 3 fatty acids

This compound is found naturally in flaxseeds. It is also found in canola oils, fish oils, and also in many fishes like salmon. This compound has excellent health benefits and doctors have been recommending the consumption for many reasons. Consumption of this compound helps in the improvement of the activity of insulin and consequently helps many people to get rid of fatty liver disease. This also reduces the pain and the inflammation which results in people suffering from this disease.

Flax seeds

For reducing the inflammation of the liver and for curing the liver, flax seeds are very helpful. They are a natural way of dealing with liver problems in individuals. the grounded flax seeds can be mixed in any dish and consumed by an individual. Flax seeds also have a good amount of Omega 3 fatty acids. They are also high in vitamins and micronutrients.

They help in reducing high cholesterol levels and in the metabolism of an individual. When flaxseed oil is consumed with a green salad, it tastes really good. Flaxseed can be grounded and mixed with oatmeal. This will enhance the taste and also increase the intake of the good compound in flaxseed. This will enable you to keep your liver in good condition.

Vitamin E

This is helpful for the liver and more so because it protects the liver against free radicals. The free radicals are formed during the natural detox process in the body. Vitamin E is an antioxidant and reduces the bad effects of the free radicals on your body. This is also helpful for the immune system and helps in preventing fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver. These are the two main complications that can develop in a person with fatty liver disease.

Therefore these are some of the symptoms and the treatment methods that one can incorporate into their lifestyle to get rid of fatty liver disease. This will enable one to live a healthy and long life.

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