Does Tylenol Help Gallstone Pain

Does Tylenol Help Gallstone Pain

What are gallstones?

Gallstones are cholesterol or other chemicals that form hard lumps in the gallbladder. Does Tylenol help gallstone pain? The gallbladder is a tiny pouch-shaped organ on the upper right side of the belly that stores and releases bile acids, which aid in the absorption of fats by the intestines

Gallstones occur when the gallbladder becomes oversaturated with cholesterol or bilirubin, a waste product created by the breakdown of red blood cells in the liver. These compounds can combine with gallbladder mucus to generate sludge when they build up in the gallbladder. Crystals may form in the sludge and harden into stone-like masses over time. Although the majority of gallstones are very small, some can become large enough to cause problems.

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Gallstones can occur when the gallbladder does not empty sufficiently or consistently, in addition to an excess of cholesterol or bilirubin. When we eat, the brain instructs the gallbladder to expel its contents, known as bile, to aid in the digestion of lipids. Cholesterol might build up and create crystals if the gallbladder isn’t emptying adequately or on a regular basis. Cholesterol stones affect more than 85% of persons with gallstones.

What are the treatment options for gallstones?

Gallstones treatment is determined by the symptoms. Because most people with gallstones have no symptoms, treatment consists of making lifestyle and dietary changes to reduce the risk of developing symptoms.

When symptoms do appear, a cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal surgery) is usually performed. Some patients with their first bout of gallstone symptoms, on the other hand, may be sent home with pain relievers.

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The surgical removal of the gallbladder, known as laparoscopic cholecystectomy, is the gold standard for treating symptomatic gallstones. The gallbladder is removed, and the condition is effectively solved. Four small incisions are made in the abdomen through which instruments and a laparoscope are inserted.

This procedure is usually performed by a general surgeon. A camera attached to the end of the laparoscope transmits an image to a video monitor, which helps the surgeon remove the gallbladder and cystic duct. The surgeon may also need to use ERCP to remove affected stones.

Due to the possibility of a cholecystectomy altering digestion, common side effects include difficulty digesting fats, diarrhea, constipation, and flatulence. Patients often experience shoulder pain for a few days after surgery because the abdomen is inflated with gas to perform the surgery.


Gallbladder removal is the usual treatment for symptomatic gallstones. During a gallbladder attack, pain medicines and other pharmaceuticals may be utilized to relieve pain. In certain, but not all, circumstances, medications that shrink gallstones may be administered.

NSAIDs( Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs) – Tylenol is under this category. they are used to relieve the pain and inflammation caused by gallstones. but this kind of medication is not advisable to use for a long-term period because it might harm your liver and other organs. Just take these medications as needed.


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