All About Gallbladder Disease

All About Gallbladder Disease

You thought you just had another stomachache but this time the pain is excruciating and is even radiating to your shoulder and back, If the pain is concentrated on your upper right tummy just beneath the rib cage, then you have the bigger possibility of having gallbladder disease.

The gallbladder is a tiny sac that contains the bile produced by the liver, which is then excreted in the small intestines aiding in fat decomposition during the process of digestion. Gallbladder disease occurs when there is a blockage in the gallbladder either caused by infection, gallstones, or obstruction that leads to inflammation where the victim experiences pain in the right upper side of the stomach.

Here are guidelines in understanding gallbladder disease:

Who are at risk and what are the causes of gallbladder disease

What are the significant signs and symptoms during the attack of gallbladder disease?

  • Pain in the upper right portion of the stomach, just below the ribcage, a sharp pain lasts for 15 minutes and a constant pain that may even reach 15 hours for severe cases.
  • After eating meals, you experience nausea, indigestion, vomiting, the feeling of being bloated and burping, inability to breathe properly and a bitter fluid may appear in the mouth. This usually occurs when you’ve eaten food with fat. Although some mistaken this as simple heartburn, you must take note of its location and duration of the pain, especially if the symptoms occur after eating greasy food to know that it is a gallbladder disease attack.
  • The pain is not entirely on the stomach alone, gallbladder disease victims stated that the pain reaches the shoulder blades and the back too.

How to alleviate the pain and treat the attack of gallbladder disease?

  • During an episode of vomiting and diarrhea, which is common in gallbladder disease, you must drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. This also eliminates the toxins and pollutants in the body, giving the liver and gallbladder enough time to break down fats.
  • Eat small frequent meals to avoid weakness and malnutrition, stay away from foods that would exacerbate the attack of gallbladder disease such as: avoid red meat and opt to eat lean cuts of chicken and pork, foods that have high fat like fried chicken, donuts, french fries and all sorts of fried foods. Dairy products that are made of whole fat milk like ice cream, milk, yogurt, and cheese, sweets that have too much sugar content should be limited and simple carbohydrates like pasta and bread, high intake of caffeine should be cut down as it triggers the attack.
  • There are recommended foods that can be taken during an attack. This includes fiber-rich foods like apples, bananas, cabbage, and other fruits and vegetables. You should increase intake to help minimize cholesterol absorption and thinning the bile. Too much thickening leads to gallstones and obstruction that causes gallbladder disease, eat foods high in vitamin B and iron found in whole grains and kale, another best choice of food are those with antioxidants like tomatoes, cherries, squash, and bell peppers, this counteracts the toxins in the body and reduces attacks.
  • When the gallbladder disease is severe, you must consult your doctor immediately, take prescribed analgesics, take your antibiotics if there’s infection and your doctor may suggest removing the gallbladder, this is safe since the digestive system wouldn’t be affected even if the gallbladder were removed.

What are the ways to prevent gallbladder disease?

  • You have to change your bad choice of food to healthy ones; this will promote wellness and goodness in your body. Prepare food low in fat and cholesterol and high in fiber.
  • Exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet, don’t go into the crash diet as rapid weight loss is a contributing factor in gallbladder disease.
  • Trim down your weight especially if you’re overweight, practice a healthy lifestyle, and change bad eating habits.

Having a gallbladder disease can be devastating but with these guidelines, you will not be only preventing this disease but you can be protected from any other illnesses.

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