What to Eat After Gallbladder Surgery

What to Eat After Gallbladder Surgery

What to Eat After Gallbladder Surgery, If you have had gallbladder surgery, you will be interested to read about what to eat after gallbladder surgery. The gallbladder looks like a small sack, located near the liver. Its main function is to store bile and it has an important role in digestion processes. It takes part in processing the foods.

When you need to digest food in the intestines, the bile is released. If your gallbladder is removed, there will be no organ to control the release of bile. Bile is much needed for digesting fatty foods. The gallbladder regulates such processes, so if there is no gallbladder in the body, one will have to take care of digestion by moderating his diet.

What Should You Eat After Gallbladder Surgery

Gallbladder surgery is done when there is no other option left for resolving the gallbladder problem. After the surgery, you will have to make some changes in your diet and your lifestyle as well.

You will have to avoid cereals, broccoli, grain bread, cabbage, and similar food items.

You will start consuming liquid foods. They do not cause any pressure on the digestive system, so they are good to consume during this period.

Keep in mind that you will have to change your diet for good. This is not only temporary! You will need to get used to a new regime. Ask your doctor for some advice on what to eat and what to avoid. Follow your doctor’s instructions and you will avoid problems.

Some people experience constipation after the surgery (1). If this happens, you will tell your doctor about it, and he/she will help you solve this problem. Some patients start having nausea after consuming liquid foods (2). If this is the case with you, you must visit your doctor.

Your stools will be different, and that will last for several months. Do not consume spicy foods, because these foods can trigger excessive gas production in the body, leading to abdominal discomfort or pain.

Depending on a particular case, patients are given advice on what to eat after gallbladder surgery. You should never make your diet plan without talking to your doctor. You can also talk to a nutritionist about the gallbladder diet.

Patients with gallbladder problems are usually advised to eat okra, cucumbers, sweet potatoes, garlic, ripe tomatoes, salmon, lemon, apples, grapes, papaya, and foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids (3). Vegetable juices are also very helpful, but they should be natural and without any additives.

Life after Gallbladder Removal

Life after gallbladder removal will be much different from the life you had before it. The gallbladder is an important organ, and if it is removed, the body will go through considerable changes. To avoid problems, you will have to make certain modifications to your diet and your lifestyle in general. Gallbladder removal is sometimes the only way to solve problems with the gallbladder.

The gallbladder is located near the liver. Its role is to store bile and to help in the digestion process. Bile is necessary for digesting various foods, and the gallbladder controls the release of bile. If the gallbladder is removed, there will be no organ to control bile excretion, so you will have to be careful with your diet or take no gallbladder supplements..

Life after Gallbladder Removal

The best advice on what to do after gallbladder surgery will come from your doctor. We are here to tell you what to expect after the surgery. We will also tell you more about foods to avoid after gallbladder removal.

Some patients can experience side effects after the surgery. These side effects are not very common, but they are possible and you should know more about them. You can experience nausea, constipation, digestion problems, inability to process certain foods, diarrhea, cramps, gas, bloating, abdominal discomfort, heartburn, bile stones, difficulty breathing, etc. If you experience any of these side effects, you should visit your doctor.

You must be ready to make some considerable changes in your diet, especially during the first couple of weeks. Keep in mind that some of the side effects can last for months after gallbladder removal. Check out our 12 top aftercare tips after your gallbladder is removed.

You will have to stop consuming certain types of foods. You will have to drink enough water, and vegetable juices. These juices can be very helpful, but you should only consume natural juices, without any additives. Do not eat foods that are rich in fats, and avoid sugary foods. You will be able to consume sweet potatoes, but you will have to avoid foods with too much starch.

You will be allowed to eat lean meat and fish. Fruits and vegetables should be included in your diet (4). Soups are also good to eat, but you should not eat soups that contain additives. Eggs, yogurt, and other dairy products should be included, too. When it comes to oils and fats, you should be careful. Natural oils are OK to eat, but you should not exaggerate.

Article Studies, References, and Resources

  1. Constipation After Surgery: Tips for Relief by Jodi Helmer – https://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/constipation-after-surgery
  2. Severe Epigastric Pain with Nausea and Vomiting By Areg Grigorian – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7123429/
  3. Gallbladder Diet By Stephanie Watson –  https://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/features/gallbladder-diet-foods-for-gallbadder-problems
  4. What to Know About Diet After Gallbladder Surgery by WebMD Editorial Contributors – https://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/what-to-know-diet-after-gallbladder-surgery