Does Tea Cause Gallstones

Does Heat Help Gallbladder Pain

Does Tea Cause Gallstones? Tea is known for its many benefits. It is known to contain a lot of antioxidants which are good for clearing your cells of free radicals. There are different kinds of tea. Some of the known tea are black tea, white tea, herbal tea, and green tea.

While tea, in general, has a lot of benefits, it is important to take note that some kind of tea should be avoided. Some of the kinds that needed to be avoided are detox tea that assures fast weight loss and fancy tea like green tea latte. Fancy tea is to be avoided because, even though it contains tea, it is loaded with sugar which is not good for the health.

Despite its many health benefits, does tea cause gallstones?

No. Tea does not cause gallstones. It even helps in making the gallbladder healthy. Tea is known to aid digestion, the gallbladder secretes bile to aid in digestion, so in a way, tea is helping the gallbladder do its job. When a person is overweight, it can cause a lot of problems in the stomach such as acid reflux and indigestion which is also not healthy for the gallbladder.

Drinking tea had been known to be beneficial to the human body in general and not only to the gallbladder. The question of does tea causes gallstones, should outrightly be answered no since sighting its different benefits to the human body.

There are different kinds of tea. Each of this tea has its benefits.

In Chinese medicine, these tea are even prescribed by traditional doctors depending on the ailment of the person. Tea in some cultures is not just a drink but also a medicine. The medicinal benefit of the tea ranges from indigestion to body pain. Peppermint tea is for aiding in digestion, freshening the breath, and easing pain.

It has a lot of benefits and is good for the body especially for indigestion. Peppermint tea is good for relieving bloating and indigestion. It is also known to ease menstrual cramps. Though there were no studies on whether it can relieve gallbladder pain, peppermint tea is known for easing pain in general.

It does not have the same effect as pain relievers but its menthol quality is good for easing pain and providing relief. Since there are different kinds of tea, there are still questions if does tea causes gallstones since there are different kinds of tea. One of the most common tea and probably one of the most drank tea is green tea.

The benefits of green tea range from aiding in digestion and weight loss, being rich in antioxidants that lower the risk of cancer and even prevents the risk of type 2 diabetes. Green tea is the least processed tea thus it results in higher polyphenol which is good in preventing blood clots and reducing sugar levels.

Does tea cause gallstones? With all the health benefits of tea, green tea, in particular, there is no reason at all to suspect that tea can gallstones. Instead, tea helps in aiding the gallbladder to do its job. As advised in different studies, tea is good for the gallbladder.


Caroll, L., Wolf, D. (2020, January 9), Drinking tea may improve your health – here’s what to try, Today,

Olsen, N. (2020, January 27), Diet tips for a healthy gallbladder, Medical News Today,

Haelle, T (2015, August 15) 10 Essential Facts about your Gallbladder, Everyday Health,

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